Clients often turn to us with such a request. This is not surprising, because each of us dreams of thick and shiny hair. And his loss upsets and spoils the mood.
But the main thing is the signal of the body about the problem. It is important to detect it in time.
Many factors affect the condition and quality of hair:
- Iron-deficiency anemia
- hypothyroidism
- nutrient deficiencies: zinc, selenium, L-lysine, vitamin B12, silicon, choline and biotin
- high testosterone levels
- insulin resistance
- post-Covid syndrome, etc.
Today we will analyze one of the main factors - nutrition, namely the lack of protein in the diet.
- Why?
Because the composition of the hair is 78% of protein, 10-14% of water, 6% of lipids and 1% of pigment. It is the protein keratin that is the building material for nails and hair.
- What is the norm for protein intake?
The daily norm for an adult is at least 1 g per 1 kg of body weight.
During physical work, psycho-emotional overload and pregnancy - 1.5-2 g per kg.
- How to find out how much protein you consume per day?
You will need:
- kitchen scales to determine the amount of food consumed.
- dedicated smartphone app FatSecret
- What foods to get protein from?
Sources of animal protein:
- poultry (turkey, chicken, quail)
- bird eggs (chicken, quail, guinea fowl)
- Fish and seafood
- meat (beef, lamb, lean pork, rabbit, etc.)
Vegetable protein sources:
- legumes (lentils, red, white beans, chickpeas, mung beans, peas).
- cereals (buckwheat, quinoa, rice, barley)
- nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, cashews and others).
You should also be aware that excessive heat treatment (eg, frying) reduces protein absorption. And the abuse of sweets impairs the absorption of calcium - one of the main minerals necessary for hair.
We hope you found it interesting and useful.